November 5, 2008

"Don't ever let anyone tell you, you can't do something." - Will Smith- Pursuit of Happyness

The election stirred a lot of emotions. It was one that even the smallest children wanted to be a part of. Some were, even. A young group of African-American boys, that attended a prestigious private school made a remix to the popular hip hop star's song "Whatever you like" by singing "You can vote however you like." on the News yesterday morning. This time yesterday, nobody knew for sure who was going to be the 44th president. It was almost a surreal experience. Seeing President Obama on stage, giving such a motivating and uplifting speech, with his family and his side, was truly a commemorative moment. The fate of the country may be a mystery, but the minds of the country were somewhat appeased lastnight after watching Obama deliver a knock-out speech. His finess, sincerity, and professional demeanor will definitely be remembered for centuries to come. In a world where there are millions of different ideas about "what world peace means" and "how it will be achieved", I feel as if lastnight millions of people finally agreed on one thing- America needed a change.This word seemed to be the summary of his campaign. A word that I hope carries positivity throughout Americans and around the world over the next 4 years.

Type all of the words that have a long "e" sound.
1. _______________ achieved
2. _______________ feel
3. _______________ seemed
4. _______________ summary
5. _______________ appeased
6. _______________ even

**Grammar Point**
The Long "e" sound can be created by different letter combinations.
Here are a couple examples:
"ie" in achieved - long "e" sound
"ee" in feel - long "e" sound
"y" in summary- long "e" sound
"ea" in appease- long "e" sound
"e" in even - long "e" sound
There are many different ways to get the same sound in words in English.

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