November 25, 2008

How to train a puppy (not edited)

Below you will read lots of valuable information about how to train a puppy. However, it is not edited. Please correct all mistakes on a separate piece of paper. Grammar rules are important ! Keep in mind 1. Punctuation 2. Capitalization 3. Indent 4.Spelling

A great number of puppy and dog behavioral problems are the result of separation anxiety.

-----> many behavior problems (such as barcking, biting & digging) stem from a lack of communication, or miscommunication betwene you the owner and your dog. Simply put, your dog is not aware of what is expected of him/her

Applying some proper obedience traning at an early stage is a most efective technique to correct any behavior problems, and also to prevent any future problems? The fact that you are reading this page possibly means it is two late for this tip!

Set boundaries of exeptable and unexeptable behavior for your dogs, and stick to them? Be consistent, make it simple for your dog:

Remember, always show your dawg love and affection. never be cruel

There were 14 mistakes. Can u find them ? Write them on a separate piece of paper.

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